Friday 25 October 2013

What is your unique perspective on a topic  that you dislike?

A topic that effects me deeply includes child deprivation within countries. Some children suffer horrendously. Children within India are made homeless from the youngest of age and suffer all kinds of abuse. People walk past children without such as a glance due to the rate of deprivation. Life should be supported and sustained in order to produce a world full of people who are enabled do their best in the life that they have and equipped to make a difference. It is a good thing that there are many charities that support children who are in need.
Why have you decided to attend University?

Education is paramount to the development of our society and the passion to make a difference by giving all that I can give to the children within our community has led me to study Education. The educational system is continually developing and changing shape in the same way that Technology continues to develop. Education opens up the opportunity to impart what we know and understand while also receiving new information, perspectives and skills daily. We learn something new every day in life but how much more are we equipped to do just that when given the opportunity to study something so dynamic and colourful as education itself. Experiences of working with children and enjoying the atmosphere of a great working team within a school environment has led me to persue higher aims in the hope of holding higher levels of responsibility and making a positive difference.

Uni offered a big step into an exciting world where I could become better informed in many areas including those which are relevent to history, the world we live in today and the changing future. The opportunity to meet other people passionate about education and desiring to give their all to the generations to come as well as support carers in the best possible ways in order for our economy to progress was also another asset.

University not only gives information galore but also many opportunities to develop skills and improve attributes of which may not be fully achieved without the support and encouragement of the amazing staff.